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Configure, Commit and Push with Panorama

In this guide, you will make configuration changes on Panorama within a Device Group. You will then commit the changes to Panorama, then push the changes to the managed devices (firewalls).


This tutorial/guide assumes:

  • you have a working installation of Ansible with the PAN-OS collection installed (see example instructions here)
  • you have working connectivity to the firewall and/or Panorama
  • you have administrative credentials capable of performing the relevant operations on the firewall and/or Panorama

Important - Work in a Lab Environment First

With all of the tutorials and guides presented on this website, please ensure that you attempt the tasks in a lab or a similar safe and non-production environment first. In public cloud scenarios, this should be a non-production cloud account which contains no production assets or data. Confirm the tasks behave as expected and perform the operations you require, before using them in production or other live environments.

Create playbook files and define connectivity to Panorama

Create a new Ansible yaml file named device-group-changes-commit-and-push.yml, establish a variable block called device for Panorama, and reference the PAN-OS collection:

- name: Commit and Push with Panorama
hosts: '{{ target | default("panorama") }}'
connection: local

ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}"
username: "{{ username | default(omit) }}"
password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}"
api_key: "{{ api_key | default(omit) }}"

- paloaltonetworks.panos

Make configuration changes

Start the playbook tasks by defining the desired configuration state; you create some new configuration elements within the Device Group:

- name: Create address object
provider: "{{ device }}"
device_group: "lab-device-group"
name: "Object-One"
value: ""

- name: Create service object
provider: "{{ device }}"
device_group: "lab-device-group"
name: "tcp-12345"
destination_port: "12345"

- name: Add security rule
provider: "{{ device }}"
device_group: "lab-device-group"
rule_name: "Allow SSH on port 12345"
source_zone: ["internet"]
source_ip: ["any"]
destination_zone: ["dmz"]
destination_ip: ["Object-One"]
application: ["ssh"]
service: ["tcp-12345"]
action: "allow"

Commit to Panorama

Continue the tasks with a commit operation on Panorama for the configuration changes just made:

- name: Commit candidate configuration
provider: "{{ device }}"
register: results
- debug:
msg: "Commit with job ID: {{ results.jobid }} had output: {{ results.details }}"

Push to Managed Devices

Continue the tasks with a push (and commit) to the managed devices in the Device Group:

- name: Commit and Push template configuration
provider: "{{ device }}"
style: "device group"
name: "lab-device-group"
include_template: no
register: results
- debug:
msg: "Push with job ID: {{ results.jobid }} finished"

Final playbook

Putting all the sections together, the playbook in entirety looks like this:

- name: Commit and Push with Panorama
hosts: '{{ target | default("panorama") }}'
connection: local

ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}"
username: "{{ username | default(omit) }}"
password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}"
api_key: "{{ api_key | default(omit) }}"

- paloaltonetworks.panos

- name: Create address object
provider: "{{ device }}"
device_group: "lab-device-group"
name: "Object-One"
value: ""

- name: Create service object
provider: "{{ device }}"
device_group: "lab-device-group"
name: "tcp-12345"
destination_port: "12345"

- name: Add security rule
provider: "{{ device }}"
device_group: "lab-device-group"
rule_name: "Allow SSH on port 12345"
source_zone: ["internet"]
source_ip: ["any"]
destination_zone: ["dmz"]
destination_ip: ["Object-One"]
application: ["ssh"]
service: ["tcp-22"]
action: "allow"

- name: Commit candidate configuration
provider: "{{ device }}"
register: results

- debug:
msg: "Commit with job ID: {{ results.jobid }} had output: {{ results.details }}"

- name: Commit and Push template configuration
provider: "{{ device }}"
style: "device group"
name: "lab-device-group"
include_template: no
register: results

- debug:
msg: "Push with job ID: {{ results.jobid }} finished"