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Offline Content and Software Installation

This guide describes the steps to perform a PAN-OS software upgrade, and a potential prerequisite content update (also known as Dynamic Updates), in an "offline" or "air-gap" scenario, where the PAN-OS device does not have access to the Internet.

The default behavior for software and content installation tasks, using the panos_software and panos_dynamic_updates modules respectively from the PAN-OS collection, is for the PAN-OS device to download the required version(s) from the Internet during the task execution. There are many scenarios where this is not feasible, due to complete lack of Internet, or due to low bandwidth or high latency Internet connectivity. In these scenarios, the required software and content versions can be downloaded ahead of time from the Customer Support Portal and the installation can proceed using these offline files instead of downloading the files from the Internet at execution time.


This tutorial/guide assumes:

  • you have a working installation of Ansible with the PAN-OS collection installed (see example instructions here)
  • you have working connectivity to the firewall and/or Panorama
  • you have administrative credentials capable of performing the relevant operations on the firewall and/or Panorama

Important - Work in a Lab Environment First

With all of the tutorials and guides presented on this website, please ensure that you attempt the tasks in a lab or a similar safe and non-production environment first. In public cloud scenarios, this should be a non-production cloud account which contains no production assets or data. Confirm the tasks behave as expected and perform the operations you require, before using them in production or other live environments.

Create playbook file and define connectivity to the firewall

Create a new Ansible yaml file named upgrade-firewall-offline.yml, establish a variable block called device for the firewall, and reference the PAN-OS collection.

Also, for the purposes of this guide we are hardcoding some variables to refer to the names of the offline files, the target version of PAN-OS, and a boolean to represent whether we want to reboot the firewall after the upgrade in order to make the new version live (sometimes this is delayed until a later change window). Instead of hardcoding, the values for these variables could be passed in from Ansible Automation Platform, or via the CLI, for example: ansible-playbook upgrade-firewall-offline.yml -e "reboot_firewall=true".

- name: Upgrade firewall and content offline
hosts: '{{ target | default("firewall") }}'
connection: local

ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}"
username: "{{ username | default(omit) }}"
password: "{{ password | default(omit) }}"
api_key: "{{ api_key | default(omit) }}"

content_file: "panupv2-all-contents-8644-7712"
software_file: "PanOS_vm-10.1.8"
software_version: "10.1.8"
reboot_firewall: false

- paloaltonetworks.panos

Import and install content

Each version of PAN-OS has a required minimum version of content (also known as "Dynamic Updates" or "apps") before it can be installed. Some organizations routinely upgrade content to recent versions, so this section might not be required. The first task of this playbook uploads a content file from a location accessible to the host executing Ansible. As previously mentioned, you may wish to pass in the file name and location as values at runtime.

- name: Import content file into PAN-OS
provider: "{{ device }}"
category: content
file: "{{ content_file }}"

The second task installs the content which has just been uploaded, and stores the response as this will be used to track the installation progress.

- name: Start content installation
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<request><content><upgrade><install><skip-content-validity-check>yes</skip-content-validity-check><file>{{ content_file }}</file></install></upgrade></content></request>"
cmd_is_xml: true
register: contentinstall

Monitor content installation progress

The next task takes the response from the installation request and parses out the Job ID for the installation:

- name: Get job ID for content install
xmlstring: "{{ contentinstall.stdout_xml }}"
xpath: /response[@status='success']/result/job
content: text
register: content_jobid

With the Job ID identified, the next task checks the progress of the job every 5 seconds, looping until the job is finished. There is logic to detect failure, the assumption being that you do not want to proceed with the PAN-OS software installation if the prerequisite content installation did not succeed.

- name: Check content install job until completion
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<show><jobs><id>{{ content_jobid.matches[0].job }}</id></jobs></show>"
cmd_is_xml: true
register: content_result
until: (content_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.status == "FIN"
retries: 100
delay: 5
failed_when: (content_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.result == "FAIL"

Import and install software

Having successfully installed the prerequisite content version, you can move onto the software upgrade. The first task is to upload the software as a file from a location accessible to the host executing Ansible. As previously mentioned, you may wish to pass in the file name and location as values at runtime.

- name: Import software image into PAN-OS
provider: "{{ device }}"
category: software
file: "{{ software_file }}"

The next tasks installs the software which has just been uploaded, and stores the response as this will be used to track the installation progress.

- name: Install software
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "request system software install version {{ software_version }}"
register: softwareinstall

Monitor software installation progress

The next task takes the response from the installation request and parses out the Job ID for the installation:

- name: Get job ID for software install
xmlstring: "{{ softwareinstall.stdout_xml }}"
xpath: /response[@status='success']/result/job
content: text
register: software_jobid

With the Job ID identified, the next task checks the progress of the job every 5 seconds, looping until the job is finished. There is logic to detect failure, such that the playbook execution result will accurately mirror the installation result.

- name: Check software install job until completion
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<show><jobs><id>{{ software_jobid.matches[0].job }}</id></jobs></show>"
cmd_is_xml: true
register: software_result
until: (software_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.status == "FIN"
retries: 100
delay: 5
failed_when: (software_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.result != "OK"

Reboot, if required

The final task is to reboot the firewall. A reboot is required to make the new software version live, but it is optional to do the reboot directly after the software install. Hence the variable at the start of the playbook to control whether the reboot happens, and also the conditional logic here to only reboot when required. The reboot is also only performed if the software installation was completed successfully.

- name: Reboot if requested
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<request><restart><system></system></restart></request>"
cmd_is_xml: true
- reboot_firewall
- (software_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.result == "OK"

Final playbook

Putting all the sections together, the playbook in entirety looks like this:

- name: Upgrade firewall and content offline
hosts: "firewall"
connection: local

ip_address: "{{ ip_address }}"
username: "{{ username }}"
password: "{{ password }}"

content_file: "panupv2-all-contents-8644-7712"
software_file: "PanOS_vm-10.1.8"
software_version: "10.1.8"
reboot_firewall: false

- paloaltonetworks.panos

- name: Import content file into PAN-OS
provider: "{{ device }}"
category: content
file: "{{ content_file }}"

- name: Start content installation
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<request><content><upgrade><install><skip-content-validity-check>yes</skip-content-validity-check><file>{{ content_file }}</file></install></upgrade></content></request>"
cmd_is_xml: true
register: contentinstall

- name: Get job ID for content install
xmlstring: "{{ contentinstall.stdout_xml }}"
xpath: /response[@status='success']/result/job
content: text
register: content_jobid

- name: Check content install job until completion
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<show><jobs><id>{{ content_jobid.matches[0].job }}</id></jobs></show>"
cmd_is_xml: true
register: content_result
until: (content_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.status == "FIN"
retries: 100
delay: 5
failed_when: (content_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.result == "FAIL"

- name: Import software image into PAN-OS
provider: "{{ device }}"
category: software
file: "{{ software_file }}"

- name: Install software
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "request system software install version {{ software_version }}"
register: softwareinstall

- name: Get job ID for software install
xmlstring: "{{ softwareinstall.stdout_xml }}"
xpath: /response[@status='success']/result/job
content: text
register: software_jobid

- name: Check software install job until completion
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<show><jobs><id>{{ software_jobid.matches[0].job }}</id></jobs></show>"
cmd_is_xml: true
register: software_result
until: (software_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.status == "FIN"
retries: 100
delay: 5
failed_when: (software_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.result != "OK"

- name: Reboot if requested
provider: "{{ device }}"
cmd: "<request><restart><system></system></restart></request>"
cmd_is_xml: true
- reboot_firewall
- (software_result.stdout | from_json).response.result.job.result == "OK"