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ADEM Include Parameter

Autonomous DEM APIs provide an include query parameter that you can use to include additional properties in the API's response. You can include multiple parameters by providing them as a comma-separated list. You supply each element in the list in the format:


where Include is an alias for an operation or property.

EntityCountsecInclude a count of given entitiesEntityCounts.user or ec.user,ec.endpoint
AgentPropertiesapInclude agent propertiesap.computerName

You can include the following agent properties:

muGatewayPublicIpIP Address of the MU gateway to which the agent connects.
agentPublicIpPublic IP Address of the agent.
usernameGlobalProtect user name.
globalProtectVersionGlobalProtect version number.
globalProtectGatewayLocationLocation of the GlobalProtect gateway.
globalProtectTunnelStatusStatus of the GlobalProtect tunnel such as whether the tunnel interface is up.
endpointVersionVersion number for the endpoint device.
operatingSystemVersionVersion of the operating system on which the endpoint device is running.
operatingSystemOperating system on which the endpoint device is running.
modelComputer model on which the endpoint device is running.
countryCountry in which the endpoint device is located (based on its public IP)
latitudeLatitude at which the endpoint device is located (based on its public IP)
longitudeLongitude in which the endpoint device is located (based on its public IP)
asnThe Autonomous System Number used by the endpoint device (based on its public IP).
asnOrgNameThe organization managing the ASN.
cpuAverageAverage CPU utilization for the endpoint device (float).
cpuMinMinimum CPU utilization for the endpoint device (float).
cpuMaxMaximum CPU utilization for the endpoint device (float).
ramAverageAverage RAM utilization for the endpoint device (float).
ramMinMinimum RAM utilization for the endpoint device (float).
ramMaxMaximum RAM utilization for the endpoint device (float).
batteryChargeRemaining battery charge as a percent, or 255 if unknown.
batteryIsCharging1 if connected to AC, 0 otherwise.
batterySaver1 if battery saver is enabled, 0 otherwise.
disksArray of objects that describe the disks on the agent device.
wlansArray of objects that describe the WLANs in use on the agent device.

Agent Disk Properties

The disks in use on an endpoint device are described by an object that offers the following properties:

nameName assigned to the disk.
queueLengthAverageAverage disk queue length.
queueLengthMinMinimum disk queue length.
queueLengthMaxMaximum disk queue length.
spaceUsedDisk space used, as a percentage.

Agent WLANs

The WLANs in use on an endpoint device are described by an object that offers the following properties:

macAddressWireless LAN Mac address
ssidWireless LAN SSID
bssidWireless LAN BSSID
channelWireless LAN channel number
qualityWireless LAN quality, 0 - 100
minQualityMinimum wireless LAN quality, 0 - 100
maxQualityMaximum wireless LAN quality, 0 - 100
rxWireless LAN received bytes
minRxMinimum wireless LAN received bytes
maxRxMaximum wireless LAN received bytes
txMaximum wireless LAN sent bytes
minTxMinimum wireless LAN sent bytes
maxtxMaximum wireless LAN sent bytes
phyModeWireless LAN PHY mode e.g. 802.11ac