Get Mobile User Agent Score Aggregated Across All Endpoints
This API retrieves the Mobile Users experience score. The score is aggregated across all the monitored mobile user devices.
In the Response section, the lines that are followed by a comment (<<<<<<) correspond to the location in the UI (see attached screenshot) that is enclosed in a red box.
The attached screen is located in Monitor -> Users -> User details page in the Strata Cloud Manager UI.
The following shows the portions of the UI widget where the data is displayed for this example:
header = { "prisma-tenant": "<tenant-id>" }
"startTime": 1689616800,
"endTime": 1692208800,
"endpointType": "muAgent",
"tenantServiceGroup": [ "<tenant-id>:<subtenant-id>" ],
"rowCount": 101009,
"average": { "endpointScore": 95.5,
"wlan": 85.4,
"lan": 76.5,
"vpnUnderlay": 89.7,
"vpnOverlay": 79.4,
"application": 83.6, <<<<<< Application Score for the MU agent highlighted in the screenshot
"internet": 88.9