Get Timeseries of Application Performance Metrics for an Application Test
This API retrieves the Timeseries of the Application Performance Metrics for a particular application test.
In the Response section, the availability is 100% when it is 1. The graph shows the availability as 0.9 which is close to 1 indicating that the availability is close to 100%.
The following shows the portions of the UI widget where the data is displayed for this example:
GET timerange=last_30_day&filter=testUuid==3100bb11-dde4-4ab9-8503-d0c6ad5f9698&endpoint-type=muAgent&response-type=timeseries
header = { "prisma-tenant": "<tenant-id>" }
"startTime": 1691010000,
"endTime": 1693602000,
"endpointType": "muAgent",
"tenantServiceGroup": [
"samplePeriod": 10800,
"series": [
"_rowCount": 351,
"dnsLookupTime": 46.5, <<<<<<
"maxDnsLookupTime": 408,
"throughput": 767161.6,
"maxThroughput": 2836784,
"tcpHandshakeTime": 80556.8,
"maxTcpHandshakeTime": 3608379,
"sslHandshakeTime": 161810.9,
"maxSslHandshakeTime": 8302431,
"waitTime": 186277.4,
"maxWaitTime": 1608543,
"dataTransferTime": 67118.8,
"maxDataTransferTime": 2269218,
"timeToFirstByte": 428691.5, <<<<<<
"maxTimeToFirstByte": 9268485,
"totalTime": 511078.7,
"wireSize": 18130.7,
"availability": 0.9, <<<<<<
"sample": 1691010000