Get the Distribution for an Application Test (Summary)
This API retrieves the distribution for a particular application test.
In the Response section, the lines that are followed by a comment (<<<<<<) correspond to the location in the UI (see attached screenshot) that is enclosed in a red box.
The following shows the portions of the UI widget where the data is displayed for this example:
header = { "prisma-tenant": "<tenant-id>" }
"startTime": 1691010000,
"endTime": 1693602000,
"endpointType": "muAgent",
"tenantServiceGroup": [
"<tenant-id>:<subtenant-id>” ],
"classifier": "poor:[0 - 30],fair:[30 - 70],good:[70 - 100]",
"entityCounts": {},
"collection": [ <<<<<<
"id": "endpointScore", <<<<<<
"distribution": {
"clients": 16, <<<<<<
"score": 90, <<<<<<
"poor": 0, <<<<<<
"fair": 2, <<<<<<
"good": 14 <<<<<<
"id": "wlan",
"distribution": {
"clients": 5,
"score": 87,
"poor": 0,
"fair": 0,
"good": 5
…. ]