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Create a decryption profile



Create a decryption profile.


Query Parameters

    folder stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[0-9a-zA-Z._-\s]{1,}$, [Shared, Mobile Users, Remote Networks, Service Connections, Mobile Users Container, Mobile Users Explicit Proxy]

    The folder on which you want to perform this operation.


The decryption profile you want to create

    name stringrequired

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9]{1}[A-Za-z0-9_\-\.\s]{0,}$

    Must start with alphanumeric char and should contain only alphanemeric, underscore, hyphen, dot or space

    ssl_forward_proxy object
    auto_include_altname boolean
    block_client_cert boolean
    block_expired_certificate boolean
    block_timeout_cert boolean
    block_tls13_downgrade_no_resource boolean
    block_unknown_cert boolean
    block_unsupported_cipher boolean
    block_unsupported_version boolean
    block_untrusted_issuer boolean
    restrict_cert_exts boolean
    strip_alpn boolean
    ssl_inbound_proxy object
    block_if_hsm_unavailable boolean
    block_if_no_resource boolean
    block_unsupported_cipher boolean
    block_unsupported_version boolean
    ssl_no_proxy object
    block_expired_certificate boolean
    block_untrusted_issuer boolean
    ssl_protocol_settings object
    auth_algo_md5 boolean

    Default value: true

    auth_algo_sha1 boolean

    Default value: true

    auth_algo_sha256 boolean

    Default value: true

    auth_algo_sha384 boolean

    Default value: true

    enc_algo_3des boolean

    Default value: true

    enc_algo_aes_128_cbc boolean

    Default value: true

    enc_algo_aes_128_gcm boolean

    Default value: true

    enc_algo_aes_256_cbc boolean

    Default value: true

    enc_algo_aes_256_gcm boolean

    Default value: true

    enc_algo_chacha20_poly1305 boolean

    Default value: true

    enc_algo_rc4 boolean

    Default value: true

    keyxchg_algo_dhe boolean

    Default value: true

    keyxchg_algo_ecdhe boolean

    Default value: true

    keyxchg_algo_rsa boolean

    Default value: true

    max_version string

    Possible values: [sslv3, tls1-0, tls1-1, tls1-2, tls1-3, max]

    Default value: tls1-2

    min_version string

    Possible values: [sslv3, tls1-0, tls1-1, tls1-2, tls1-3]

    Default value: tls1-0


