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Current location count



Retrieves the current location count per node type and location state.


Header Parameters

    X-PANW-Region stringrequired

    Region mapping for the tenant.

    Prisma-Tenant string

    TSG ID


    application_name string

    Application name

    deployment_type string

    Possible values: [mu, rn]

    Filters for specific ADEM deployments

    edge_location_display_name string

    Name of PA location

    ep_state integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

    State of the EP

    event_time string

    Time of the event

    mu_state integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

    State of the MU

    nhp_state integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

    State of the NHP

    rn_state integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2, 3]

    State of the RN

    sc_state integer

    Possible values: [0, 1, 2]

    State of the SC

    site_experience_score string

    Possible values: [poor, fair, good]

    Quality of application

    user_experience_score string

    Possible values: [poor, fair, good]

    Quality of application



    current_ep_locations integer

    Count of the explicit-proxy locations

    current_mu_locations integer

    Count of the mobile-user locations

    current_nhp_locations integer

    Count of next hop proxy locations

    current_rn_locations integer

    Count of the remote-network locations

    current_sc_locations integer

    Count of the service-connection locations

    ep_state integer

    Location EP State

    mu_state integer

    Location MU State

    nhp_state integer

    Location NHP State

    rn_state integer

    Location RN State

    sc_state integer

    Location SC State
