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View incident list



Retrieves the list of incident.


Header Parameters

    X-PANW-Region stringrequired

    Region mapping for the tenant.

    Prisma-Tenant string

    A Prisma-Tenant is a unique identifier for a tenant or a subtenant within a single or multi-tenant architecture, providing precise tenant management and resource allocation.


    ack_by string

    User who acknowledged the incident

    acknowledged boolean

    Possible values: [true, false]

    Whether the incident has been acknowledged

    category string

    Possible values: [SC, RN, MU, Authentication, GP, Certificates, ZTNA, Prisma Access Infrastructure, DNS, Security, Application Experience, PORTAL, GATEWAY, EP]

    Category of the incident

    child_incidents_count integer

    Number of child incidents

    code string

    Incident Code

    correlated_alerts_count integer

    Number of correlated alerts

    detailed_message string

    Detailed message of the incident

    incident_id string

    Unique identifier for the incident

    parent_incidents_count integer

    Number of parent incidents

    raised_time integer

    Timestamp when the incident was raised

    severity string

    Possible values: [Warning, Critical, Informational]

    Severity level of the incident

    status string

    Possible values: [Raised, Clearing, Cleared]

    Current status of the incident

    status_computed stringrequired

    Possible values: [Raised, ClearPending, Cleared]

    Computed status of the incident

    title string

    Title of the incident

    updated_time integer

    Timestamp of last update



    data object[]
  • Array [
  • incidents object[]
  • Array [
  • ack_by string

    User who acknowledged the incident

    acknowledged boolean

    Whether the incident has been acknowledged

    category string

    Category of the incident

    child_incidents_count integer

    Number of child incidents

    code string

    Incident code

    correlated_alerts_count integer

    Number of correlated alerts

    incident_id string

    Unique identifier for the incident

    parent_incidents_count integer

    Number of parent incidents

    raised_time integer

    Timestamp when the incident was raised

    severity string

    Severity level of the incident

    status string

    Current status of the incident

    status_computed string

    Computed status of the incident

    title string

    Title of the incident

    updated_time integer

    Timestamp of last update

  • ]
  • ]