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Get application scores



Retrieves application scores for Mobile Users or Remote Networks across a specified timerange.


Query Parameters

    start int64

    Possible values: <= 2147483648

    The start time of the time range for which you want to retrieve the metrics. Specify in UNIX_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS, for example 1646252520

    end int64

    Possible values: <= 2147483648

    The end time of the time range for which you want to retrieve the metrics. Specify in UNIX_TIMESTAMP_SECONDS, for example 1646263320

    timerange string

    Timerange over which you want to retrieve metrics, provided in readable format:


    The responses are aggregated over a sample period which is a function of the time interval requested, such that the granularity decreases with increasing interval. See About Autonomous DEM API Timerange Parameter for details.

    truncate-timerange boolean

    Default value: true

    filter string

    Selects which fields to include in the query. Must use the format fieldvalue.
    The following operators are supported: >=, <=, ==, !=, >, < See About Autonomous DEM API Filter Parameter for details.

    include string

    Comma-separated list of values that identify additional properties to include in the response. See About Autonomous DEM API Include Parameter for details.

    endpoint-type stringrequired

    Possible values: [muAgent, muProbe, rnAgent, rnProbe]

    Selects the endpoint type. See About Autonomous DEM API Endpoint-type Parameter for details.

    response-type stringrequired

    Possible values: [timeseries, summary, distribution, grouped-summary, grouped-timeseries, grouped-distribution]

    Specifies the response type, such as 'timeseries' or 'group-summary'. See About Autonomous DEM API Response-Type Parameter for details.

    result-filter string

    Limits results by filtering the output of the query, and maps to a HAVING statement (as compared with the input, which maps to a SELECT statement). Use the format, Score.==,..; For example, to limit score results by category, use Score.endpointScore==fair,good or Score.application==good;Score.lan==fair,good. See About Autonomous DEM API Result-filter Parameter for details.

    pagination string

    Use this parameter when the queries return a large number of results to limit the number of results in the response. See About Autonomous DEM API Pagination Parameter for details.

    group string

    The entity by which to group the results. You can use entities such as endpoint, location, site, user, or test. You can specify multiple groups as a comma-separated list. For example, group=Entity.user, group=Entity.test,Entity.location

Header Parameters

    Prisma-Tenant stringrequired

    Used to specify a specific tenant.

    Prisma-SubTenant string

    This is an optional parameter. Specifies a sub-tenant of the Prisma-Tenant, if any.


Application scores

    endTime number

    sample end time (Unix timestamp)

    endpointType string

    endpoint type : muAgent, muProbe, rnAgent, rnProbe

    id stringrequired
    pagination object
    enabled boolean
    limit number

    page limit

    page number

    page number

    sortBy string

    sort by field

    sortOrder string

    sort order : asc, desc

    rowCount number
    samplePeriod number

    sample period in seconds

    series object[]
  • Array [
  • application number

    application score, 0 - 100

    endpointScore number

    endpoint device score (memory, cpu, disk), 0 - 100

    internet number

    internet score, 0 - 100

    lan number

    local network score, 0 - 100

    sample number
    vpnOverlay number

    overlay score (tunnel), 0 - 100

    vpnUnderlay number

    underlay score (tunnel endpoint), 0 - 100

    wlan number

    wireless network score, 0 - 100

  • ]
  • seriesEntityCount object[]
  • Array [
  • endpoint number

    count of distinct endpoints

    location number

    count of distinct locations

    sample number

    sample time (Unix timestamp)

    site number

    count of distinct sites

    test number

    count of distinct application tests

    user number

    count of distinct users

  • ]
  • startTime number

    sample start time (Unix timestamp)

    tenantServiceGroup string

    array of tenant service groups
